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Our Services Is The Best In Business

Oimtec provides all services from simple spare part supply to a long term, all-in service contract featuring 24/7 hotline support, preventive, and corrective maintenance, using a spare part stock on site for your movers.
Ongoing Maintenance

Ongoing Maintenance

Vehicle maintenance is one of the most importance for retaining vehicle functionality and safety. Consult your maintenance guide for recommendations, and contact us with any questions.
Parts & Service

Parts & Service

Oimtec movers as a whole are made to last. Inevitably, individual parts wear out. We have common replacement parts on hand, ready to ship to lessen down time.
Typically, we ship components for you to install. We do have service support group team members who can provide on-site installation if the situation requires it. 
Experienced Support Team

Experienced Support Team

Oimtec supports team members are highly experienced in identifying and fixing items causing vehicle issues.